to mdb's point about the implicit comparison of Google to the Bible. Google, the Bible, WT publications, and other forms of media all help to inform our opinions, and help us reach conclusions and judgments about truth and falsehood. As with all endeavours of imperfect people, there is an element of witness, sometimes of error, and instances or patterns of both profanity and holiness.
Spike Tassel
JoinedPosts by Spike Tassel
Ok have you ever been asked this question in regards to Isaiah 43:10 ?
by StoneWall inhow could god have always existed since it plainly says near the end of that verse before me there was no god formed?.
here is the quote from the nwt and i also looked it up on numerous other translations and they all used the word before.. .
isaiah 43:10. you are my witnesses, is the utterance of jehovah, even my servant whom i have chosen, in order that you may.
Supreme Court Blood Case - WTS LOSES
by skeeter1 in
supreme court of canada.
wts loses!.
Spike Tassel
Terms such as "doubt" and "suicide" are not part of my "active faith". Rather, my faith is based on the principles of "demonstrated trust" and "my God is the God of those who work to let Him be found true, despite the pressure of others to dissuade me".
Maturity is a very interesting issue, and the Supreme Court of Canada appears to be maturing, themselves, in this. The article here pasted by truthsetsonefree (Post 1608) makes an interesting statement:— "the court said the state has an undeniable duty of care toward youngsters and must recognize that there are limits to their developing maturity.". I suggest that if the duty is as real as is suggested here, then that state must apply to itself the instruction from the Bible which directs all parents, such as the words found at Deuteronomy 6:4-9. If the state does not come to trust the superiority of Jehovah God's instruction over all others, then it forfeits the "right" to be obeyed, having stepped out of line with respect to its own required application of the headship principle. The state has demonstrated some understanding of some of Jehovah's regulations. So, let them continue to advance in their own maturity, so that others may be properly inspired by the state's guidance under Jehovah.
Is God's name absent in the Christian Scriptures?
by Spike Tassel inperhaps this article will help you know for yourself:
Spike Tassel
to cabasilas: Since true Christians rely on both OT and NT as interdependent, then it follows that when Jesus spoke to Jehovah in prayer at John 17:6 that he had "made your name manifest", he was thus referring to the name of God that English-speaking Christians commonly call Jehovah, etc.
Ok have you ever been asked this question in regards to Isaiah 43:10 ?
by StoneWall inhow could god have always existed since it plainly says near the end of that verse before me there was no god formed?.
here is the quote from the nwt and i also looked it up on numerous other translations and they all used the word before.. .
isaiah 43:10. you are my witnesses, is the utterance of jehovah, even my servant whom i have chosen, in order that you may.
Spike Tassel
We have one true God, and many other gods (Jesus being chief), and the holy scriptures back me in this assertion.
Also there are several who legitimately have God or god in their titles, as the holy scriptures also prove.
Supreme Court Blood Case - WTS LOSES
by skeeter1 in
supreme court of canada.
wts loses!.
Spike Tassel
Each one draws his own conclusions once again on the evidence before him, as he sees fit. Which of these conclusions is accurate will be a matter of determination, as each sees fit.
proof that the NT likely was first written in Hebrew
by Spike Tassel in
Ok have you ever been asked this question in regards to Isaiah 43:10 ?
by StoneWall inhow could god have always existed since it plainly says near the end of that verse before me there was no god formed?.
here is the quote from the nwt and i also looked it up on numerous other translations and they all used the word before.. .
isaiah 43:10. you are my witnesses, is the utterance of jehovah, even my servant whom i have chosen, in order that you may.
Spike Tassel
The New Covenant is one thing, the New Testament is another; the Old Covenant is one thing, the Old Testament is another. Each has its own connections to the other three.
Application may or may not be valid, depending on the source(s) of it.
All of Jesus' roles are dependent upon Jehovah, never independent of Jehovah.
Supreme Court Blood Case - WTS LOSES
by skeeter1 in
supreme court of canada.
wts loses!.
Spike Tassel
Whether the announcement is made that a particular individual is "now disfellowshipped", is "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses", or is "NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses" lies on the conscience of that one making such a statement, or concurring with it. Whether it accurately reflects Jehovah's position on the person in question is for Him to answers, as he chooses. Loss or gain of relationships depend on the individual dynamics involved.
Either "yes" or "no" to any particular treatment ought to be the choice of the individual, its guardians, and those they deem as trust worthy. Full stop.
proof that the NT likely was first written in Hebrew
by Spike Tassel in
Is God's name absent in the Christian Scriptures?
by Spike Tassel inperhaps this article will help you know for yourself:
Spike Tassel
The way I see it, Alpha and Omega is clearly a title, not a name. This title is simply the first and last letter of the modern Greek alphabet. I suggest that a completeness of some sort is suggested, but what sort is not clear simply from its formuation.
It is important to know the meaning of the "clear" warnings any give about adding to the scriptures. Those who are duly commissioned must account accordingly, whoever it may be.
The actual inspired Scriptures are one thing. What has been done with each text since is something else. An accountability will have to be given, if it has not already been done.